Our Compulsory thrifts & welfare Schemes
- Retirement Benefit Funds
Family Welfare Fund
- Medium Term Loan : Rs 5,00,000/- (Rupees Five Lakhs only)
(Member's who completed 5 years of membership)
- Short Term Emergency Loan : Rs 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only)-
- Rate of Interest - 7% p.a. on MTL & STL Loan
- 5% on R.B.F. & 3% FWF
- 01.07. 2020sp; w.e.f.. - 01.07. 2020
Co-operative office will be closed from Monday 20th July due to rising covid infection,
but if any urgent work will rise try to commence the work accordingly.
Vibhash kumar barun